Family Law Practice Areas

person taking wedding band off hand


Deciding to divorce your spouse is not an easy decision. You may worry about many things, such as the assets accumulated throughout your union and marital debts. Working your way through asset division may be complicated. You need an attorney well-versed and knowledgeable in family law. Attorneys at Goldberg Evans are experienced in family law, including divorce.

person signing documents


When both parties agree to all terms going to court, it’s called a dissolution. Couples avoid the stress and expensive litigation process when this is the case. Attorneys at Goldberg Evans work with each client to ensure all paperwork is prepared accurately and efficiently. Our attorneys will walk you through the dissolution process to help you make wise decisions for your future.

two people in discussion

Collaborative Divorce

One of the many dispute resolution options available to couples and offered at Goldberg Evans is the Collaborative Law process. Couples embark on the termination of their marriage in a non-adversarial way. Collaborative divorce is a unique process that focuses on the goals and interests of the parties involved and allows for creative resolutions. Our attorneys at Goldberg Evans are collaboratively trained in.

couple meeting with lawyer


Disputes are common in family law. Mediation works by having a dependable and neutral third party to help you reach agreements. The thought of going to court can be stressful for many people. Goldberg Evans attorneys are highly trained in mediation. As mediators, we will help facilitate conversations that may lead to resolutions for all parties involved communicate with your spouse to reach an agreement for every party’s best interest.

parents sitting at table with child

Parental Rights

If your case involves children, custody and parental rights are probably top of mind. We understand that children should be protected from the conflict surrounding them. An experienced attorney at Goldberg Evans can guide you through the custody process and help you reach an agreement that is in the best interest of your children. We can also advise you in creating a parenting plan that outlines decision-making for the children including, education, medical care, religion, and discipline. Reaching an agreement for for the allocation of parental rights and parental rights could be one of the most challenging aspects of your case. Goldberg Evans will work to guide you to protect the best interest of your family.

mom holding a child

Child Support

Parents want to provide the best support for their children, including financial support. You may wonder how child support decisions are made during your case. Ohio law requires non-custodial parents to provide financial support to their children. Several factors are at play regarding the amount, such as income, number of children, and their needs. Goldberg Evans attorneys will assist you in all of your child support needs.

two kids playing with dollhouse


Alimony, or spousal support, is a payment that one spouse gives to the other to ensure that they can maintain his/her standard of living. The court has wide discretion in awarding spousal support or alimony. There are factors that must be considered in determining whether or not spousal support is appropriate and the terms of the order, including amount. The family law attorneys at Goldberg Evans will help you understand the spousal support statute and the factors to factors specific to your case that may be applicable. We will advocate on your behalf both in court and in negotiations.

person at desk on phone with documents

Prenuptial Agreements

Prenuptial agreements are contracts between two individuals outlining the finances and property division should they divorce or upon the death of one spouse. Prenuptial agreements are an underutilized tool when planning for your future. At Goldberg Evans, our lawyers can advise you on the benefit of a prenuptial agreement and negotiate the terms on your behalf.

Asset & Property Division

Divorce is an emotional and stressful time for everyone involved. One issue amplifying this is the division of assets and property. In Ohio, the court will decide on an equitable – but not necessarily equal – division of assets. Goldberg Evans attorneys can help spouses in the negotiation and agree on property and asset division or zealously advocate property division positions in court.

Business Valuations

If you or your spouse owns a business, it may need to be valued by a third party. Businesses can create complex issues in divorces and you need a qualified Cincinnati attorney to the valuation process and consequences. 

Home Appraisals

Home appraisals can assist parties and/or the court in determining the value of a real estate when dividing assets. 

Goldberg Evans attorneys are experienced in handling issues arising from the division of property, including real estate.


Helped Me Navigate a Difficult Time

Trista and her office did a really nice job with everything. She helped me navigate though a very difficult time while always remaining professional and keeping me on track to achieve my goal of dissolution. Thank you! Definitely recommend.

About the Firm

After leaving prominent firms to start their own in 2019, Trista and Shawn created Goldberg Evans. Since then, the firm’s goal has been to prioritize clients and make them feel supported while navigating important family law issues.  

The firm’s unique mission is to offer professional guidance in handling cases with the utmost empathy and professionalism.

Meet The Attorneys

Trista P. Goldberg
Shawn M. Evans
Leah Darpel
Katie McBride

Frequently Asked Questions

How to find a good family law attorney near you?

To find a good family law attorney, it’s important to consider online...

To find a good family law attorney, it’s important to consider online reviews and if that attorney has specific experience in family law. You want dependable, trustworthy, and proficient representation to help with your family law case. Once you’ve researched and examined the options near you, it’s important to schedule an initial consultation and hear how that attorney would approach your situation.

What areas fall under family law?

Family law encompasses a variety of legal issues, including, but limited to,...

Family law encompasses a variety of legal issues, including, but limited to, divorce, child custody/parental rights, child support, step-parent adoptions, prenuptial agreements, paternity, and domestic violence civil protection orders.

Does divorce fall under family law?

Divorce is a type of family law case. Other types of family...

Divorce is a type of family law case. Other types of family law cases include post-divorce modifications, child custody/parental rights, child support, asset division and so much more.

Cincinnati Ohio Family Law Attorneys You Can Trust

Goldberg Evans LLC has a long history of serving the Cincinnati community. We work to provide our clients with the most ideal outcome for their unique situations. We understand the importance of family, and we will work tirelessly to ensure that your rights are protected.

 Contact us today to schedule a consultation.